The Eco Prime® marque is given to organisations, who have put in place, initiatives to aggressively reducecarbon, and positively affect the local environment, with their processes. We understand, that on an aggregate level,organisations that postively affect their communities, ultimately will affect the country, and the globe. The Marque, placed on marketing materials, will let your audience, customers, partners and stakeholders know that you are comitted to operating your activities, in a manner, that is great for the environment and that you are committed to the future of this planet. The ways in which you can display the marque on your marketing materials, and communication is twofold: You may purchase interests in our Carbonhub® tree and foliage planting program, that leads to a minimum of 500’000 tonnes of C02 being absorbed. You can show your own sustainability, and carbon reduction procesesses, and show the amounts of C02 that you have absorbed. We have different entry levels, because we realise that not all corporations, and organisations, have a procedure in place for active Carbon emmission reduction , so we have different marques, that you can use to show your commitment to protecting the environment for future generations.


Request Consultation Request a free consultation to discover how Eco Prime® can help you meet carbon neutral requirements and capture new revenue. Email Us:
Eco Prime® Accreditation
Magna Carbon®
Environmental Engineering | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting |

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 100’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Bronze Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 500’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Silver Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 100’000’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Gold Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 5’000’000’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Platinum Level

© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved
The Eco Prime® marque is given to organisations, who have put in place, initiatives to aggresively reduce carbon, and positively affect the local environment, with their processes. We understand, that on an aggregate level,organisations that postively affect their communities, ultimately will affect the country, and the globe. The Marque, placed on marketing materials, will let your audience, customers, partners and stakeholders know that you are committed to operating your activities, in a manner, that is great for the environment and that you are committed to the future of this planet. The ways in which you can display the marque on your marketing materials, and communication is twofold: You may purchase interests in our Carbonhub® tree and foliage planting program. You can show your own sustainability, and carbon reduction procesesses, and show the amounts of C02 that you have absorbed. We have different entry levels, because we realise that not all corporations, and organisations, have a procedure in place for active Carbon emmission reduction, so we have different marques, that you can use to show your commitmentto protecting the environment for future generations.


Eco Prime® Accreditation
Request Consultation Request a free consultation to discover how Eco Prime® can help you meet carbon neutral requirements and capture new revenue. Email us:
Magna Carbon®
Reforestation | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 100’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Bronze Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 500’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Silver Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 100’000’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Gold Level

This is for organisations that will

offset a minimum of 5’000’000’000

Tonnes of C02 per year.

Eco Prime® Platinum Level

© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved