At Magna Carbon®, our mission is to create carbon capture hubs, through aggressive reforestation programs that are undertaken in Africa, South America, and South Asia. Our programs are undertaken, to help with mitigating desertification, assisting damaged ecosystems, and offset, carbon pollution caused by travel, and energy production. Although climate change and its causes, are presented by the media, as being the most critical issues of the age, Magna Carbon, takes climate change, as a challege and a complex opportunity to improve the environment of the planet we all call home. Climate change is a complex challenge, that are linked to a plethora of otherinterconnected challenges. Our thoughts on the global reforestation program, is on the development of technologies, that will eventually allow us, to terraform, areas of our planet that have been ruined by deforestation. We work with corporations, governments and military, in our efforts to promote reforestation. We offer offsets, for greenhouse gas, producing organisations andcorporations. As we create forests, we offer carbon offets, that will support organisations in meeting their goals in reducing the damage that they cause to the environment. Does your organisation want to act for the climate, by offsetting its carbon footprint? Magna Carbon, invites you to identify and then reduce the greenhouse gases that you emit on a daily basis and on which you can act at the source. In addition, we offer you a solution to offset your incompressible CO2 emissions via CARBON CREDITS in tropical zones. Magna Carbon invites you to consider carbon offsetting as a way to accelerate the ecological transition and not as a way to cancel out your footprint. With this in mind, we recommend that you prefer the terms "contribution to global carbon neutrality" or "contribution to the climate" rather than "carbon offsetting". What is the principle of carbon offsetting? The principle is to finance a project that will avoid greenhouse gas emissions or sequester carbon in a natural reservoir such as a forest. The use of voluntary carbon offsetting involves rules of good practice and is based on 3 complementary actions: Offsetting solutions A unique solution combining carbon credits and tree planting. The carbon offsetting solution proposed by Magna Carbon goes beyond simple offsetting by combining carbon credits AND tree planting. This solution has a highly complementary double carbon impact: emissions avoided thanks to carbon credits from a labelled forest preservation project AND the development of carbon sinks thanks to reforestation or agroforestry projects. Request Consultation Request a free consultation to discover how our services can help you develop effective reforestation, Carbon offsetting strategies and capture new revenue. Email us:


Reforestation Programme
Magna Carbon®
Environmental Engineering | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting |
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved
At Magna Carbon, our mission is to create carbon capture hubs, through aggressive reforestation programs that are undertaken globally. Our programs are undertaken, to help with mitigating desertification, assisting damaged ecosystems, and offset, carbon pollution caused by travel, and energy production. Although climate change and its causes, are presented by the media, as being the most critical issues of the age, Magna Carbon, takes climate change, as a challege and a complex opportunity to improve the environment of the planet we all call home. Climate change is a complex challenge, that are linked to a plethora of the interconnected challenges. Our thoughts on the global reforestation program, is on the development of technologies,that will eventually allow us, to terraform, areas of our planet that have been ruined by deforestation. We work with corporations, governments and military, in our efforts to promote reforestation. We offer offsets, for greenhouse gas, producing organisations and corporations. As we create forests, we offer carbon offsets, that will support organisations in meeting their goals in reducing the damage that they cause to the environment. Does your organisation want to act for the climate by offsetting its carbon footprint? Magna Carbon invites you to identify and then reduce the greenhouse gases that you emit on a daily basis and on which you can act on, at the source. In addition, we offer you a solution to offset your incompressible CO2 emissions via CARBON C REDITS in tropical zones. Magna Carbon invites you to consider carbon offsetting as a way to accelerate the ecological transition and not as a way to cancel out your footprint. With this in mind, we recommend that you prefer the terms "contribution to global carbon neutrality" or "contribution to the climate" rather than "carbon offsetting". What is the principle of carbon offsetting? The principle is to finance a project that will avoid greenhouse gas emissions or sequester carbon in a natural reservoir such as a forest. The use of voluntary carbon offsetting involves rules of good practice and is based on 3 complementary actions: Carbon Offsetting solutions A unique solution combining carbon credits + Tree planting. The carbon offsetting solution proposed by Magna Carbon goes beyond simple offsetting by combining carbon credits AND tree planting. This solution has a highly complementary double carbon impact: emissions avoided thanks to carbon credits from a labelled forest preservation project AND the development of carbon sinks thanks to reforestation or agroforestry projects. Request Consultation Request a free consultation to discover how our services can help you develop effective reforestation, Carbon offsetting strategies and capture new revenue. Email us:


Reforestation Programme
Magna Carbon®
Reforestation | Recycling | Consulting | Carbon Offsetting
© 2022 Magna Carbon Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved